
Knitting is cool, it's official. Stitch'n'bitch clubs have beeen springing up all over the country over the last couple of years, and now we have one at HCAT. It's a fun way to spend a Friday afternoon and is a really nice mix of newcomers to knitting and old hands. Best of all, it's a good excuse for a thorough gossip. There's even a website It's said that knitting is the new yoga. I wonder if anyone's ended up in casualty after trying to combine the two?
In other news, I'm off work next week with no major plans after Monday (Matt couldn't get the time off to go on our mini-adventure to Bilbao) so if anyone fancies a couple of days by the seaside or has a penchant for watching paint dry (since the decorating is my job for the week if not otherwise rescued) shout.
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